No one likes a smart-ass
Frosh, holding cell phone: "Does this have a picture-taking thingy?"
Grad Student: "You mean a camera?"
-- Honolulu International Airport (HNO)
A Sordid Farm in an Ivory Tower
Frosh, holding cell phone: "Does this have a picture-taking thingy?"
Girl: "Wow, look at the cleavage on this bitch!"
Girl: "So, I guess it's intellectual masturbation ... but ... I mean, I do
Guy: "You have really powerful hips!"
Guy, looking at Georgia O'Keeffe poster: "I've seen better vag."
Undergrad: "Did you hear that he has a son?"
Girl: "This one time at the zoo I got to hold a baby kangaroo. He was so cute and fuzzy and soft! I wanted to make him into a pair of slippers."